Why the battle for Sanskrit needs to be joined

Why the battle for Sanskrit needs to be joined

Rediff.com   20 Jan 2016

'It is a great misfortune that the Nehruvian Stalinists of India have colluded with the grand project of demeaning and destroying Sanskrit. Today, the number of Sanskritists in India is low, and falling,' says Rajeev Srinivasan.

BJP must take back control of the message

BJP must take back control of the message

Rediff.com   9 Nov 2015

'The BJP can kill two birds with one stone by wresting back control of the message; and the steps are fairly obvious. Once the media is neutral, there is a level playing field,' argues Rajeev Srinivasan.

Keep up the demonisation, and you'll get the government you deserve

Keep up the demonisation, and you'll get the government you deserve

Rediff.com   4 Nov 2015

'What if Modi becomes the fascist the leftists paints him as? What if he does suspend the Constitution and declares himself the ruler, with support from the army? What exactly will you do, Mr Leftie?' asks Rajeev Srinivasan.

This prize-return tamasha!

This prize-return tamasha!

Rediff.com   16 Oct 2015

'This has absolutely nothing to do with Kalburgi or anybody else, it only has to do with two words: Bihar elections. It's electioneering by other means, let's save the fig leaf of morality,' says Rajeev Srinivasan.

Mr PM, give us the freedom to achieve economic success

Mr PM, give us the freedom to achieve economic success

Rediff.com   17 Aug 2015

After many false starts, India may well be at the inflexion point that Deng Xiaoping took China to post-1978. The window of opportunity is wide open right now, says Rajeev Srinivasan.

Emergency: Why Rajan's story resonates with me

Emergency: Why Rajan's story resonates with me

Rediff.com   25 Jun 2015

Rajeev Srinivasan tells how he came very close to being another number in the 'disappeareds' during the Emergency.

Yoga day is a good beginning, but only a beginning

Yoga day is a good beginning, but only a beginning

Rediff.com   21 Jun 2015

India needs to build its Grand Narrative, and its cultural power, which conquered all of ASEAN (then known as Indo-China), needs to be forcefully projected while simultaneously hard economic and military power are also emphasised, says Rajeev Srinivasan.

Nestle and the Billa-Ranga syndrome

Nestle and the Billa-Ranga syndrome

Rediff.com   10 Jun 2015

Just as Billa-Ranga had become symbols of everything that was wrong with the system many years ago, Nestle is now portrayed as the wickedest of the wicked. Every known food crime in India is now attributed to Nestle including deliberately increasing the level of lead in their noodles, as well as deliberately destroying the health of millions. That's not only unfair, it's downright idiotic, says Rajeev Srinivasan.

Modi@1: All that did not happen. The 'No's have it

Modi@1: All that did not happen. The 'No's have it

Rediff.com   19 May 2015

'In the last one year, it looks like there were bad things that didn't take place, and there were good things that didn't take place,' says Rajeev Srinivasan.

Why Rahul is wrong about the Indian farmer

Why Rahul is wrong about the Indian farmer

Rediff.com   23 Apr 2015

'Rahul Gandhi accuses the Modi government of being in thrall to corporate fat cats at the expense of farmers and other common folk. But the facts do not bear out this argument, as Indian farmers are relatively better off compared to the really wretched of the earth, the unfortunate landless, often itinerant, labourer. And since Rahul's ancestors are the ones who failed them, it is a little disingenuous of him to ignore them in his rhetorical flourishes,' says Rajeev Srinivasan.

Why the Iran nuclear deal will be useful for India

Why the Iran nuclear deal will be useful for India

Rediff.com   10 Apr 2015

'If the Iran nuke deal holds, Iran becomes a gateway to Afghanistan, and a better one than Pakistan because the route is not so mountainous. Correspondingly, I imagine Pakistan's value to the US will fall,' says Rajeev Srinivasan.

Hinduphobia: Intolerance, racial and religious

Hinduphobia: Intolerance, racial and religious

Rediff.com   19 Feb 2015

'I do hope the Patel family sues the hell out of the state of Alabama, and I hope the Hindu American Foundation and other community organisations are helping with legal aid and monetary support. For, there is reason to believe that it is religious and racial bias that led to the incident: In other words, a hate crime. There is no reason to suffer that silently.'

After the Obama visit: India, the Swing State

After the Obama visit: India, the Swing State

Rediff.com   28 Jan 2015

'As in the Panchatantra tale of the cat and the monkeys, it is possible for the clever swing State to play off the two competing powers.'

Good/Bad/Ugly: What will Obama's visit be like for India?

Good/Bad/Ugly: What will Obama's visit be like for India?

Rediff.com   22 Jan 2015

'The real test will be in defence-related deals, for instance the Javelin anti-tank missile: Is the US willing to co-develop something with India, on terms that will support the 'Make in India' initiative? Is there defence technology transfer? Or will it dump old junk on India?' asks Rajeev Srinivasan.

In defence of Sadhvi Jyoti

In defence of Sadhvi Jyoti

Rediff.com   5 Dec 2014

'Yes, it may have been offensive to some, but an expression of regret is all that's called for. No lasting harm has been done, and people should put it behind them, and move on,' says Rajeev Srinivasan, defending Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti who made abusive remarks in Delhi last week.

Why Germany should be India's best partner in Europe

Why Germany should be India's best partner in Europe

Rediff.com   14 Nov 2014

Germany, as the locomotive of Europe, has much to teach India in manufacturing and process management, says Rajeev Srinivasan.

Modi, The Great Disruptor

Modi, The Great Disruptor

Rediff.com   30 Oct 2014

'Modi, focused on youth and their aspirations, has articulated a truly disruptive change: One of hope, of duties rather than rights, of standing up to the world instead of being bullied by it,' says Rajeev Srinivasan.

Why it is time to scrap NREGA

Why it is time to scrap NREGA

Rediff.com   17 Oct 2014

'How many people have been skilled up and thus able to escape from needing to be in NREGA? The true success of NREGA would lie in its irrelevance -- that is, people no longer need it as a crutch.' 'NREGA should enable them to climb out of poverty and stand on their feet.' 'But this is expressly forbidden by NREGA rules. Skill development, which is what India needs more than anything else, appears to be outside the purview of NREGA,' points out Rajeev Srinivasan.

The humble chaiwallah is forcing his way into exclusive clubs

The humble chaiwallah is forcing his way into exclusive clubs

Rediff.com   10 Oct 2014

'Modi is a symbol of Asia Rising; and, for the first time in decades, a non-white has the potential to be the most compelling global leader.'

Can Modi unshackle Indian genius?

Can Modi unshackle Indian genius?

Rediff.com   26 Aug 2014

Rajeev Srinivasan on how India has continued to disappoint, but could outdo Singapore one day.